CIEPTAL offers solutions to optimize the supply chain and secure access
of products purchased locally
17 000 m2
logistics base
+ 6 millions km
traveled in 2017
Logistics and Supply Solutions
With its logistics base of 17,000 m2 and dry warehouses of 9,000 m3 in Hassi Messaoud, CIEPTAL enforces rigorous supply and storage procedures to guarantee permanent stocks. CIEPTAL manages its own fleet of vehicles (refrigerated trucks, pick-ups, vans etc.) in line with European standards.
All our vehicles carrying goods are equipped with chips, connected and managed in real time via an application with warning system that can instantly control the temperatures and / or openings of the doors during transport. The tracking system associated with each vehicle makes it possible to track and secure the route of our trucks and vans. CIEPTAL also covers personnel transport services.

Access control and innovative management tools
CIEPTAL implements custom access control solutions as well as innovative management tools allow our customers to focus on their core business with the guarantee to receive the most efficient service and the most suited to their needs.